Emmanuel Kids

We believe in teaching the love of Christ to even the youngest children. Children's ministry is an investment in the individual child, the family, the church, and the future!

Emmanuel offers programming for birth to pre-K, K to 5th grade, middle and high school students, as well as special needs children.

Birth through elementary programming available every Sunday.

Questions? Email Emmanuel Kids here.


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Programming For ALL Kids

We aim to be a loving home for children and families of all abilities. When you arrive, speak with a member of our welcome team so we can ensure an accomodating, inclusive experience at Emmanuel. They'll introduce you to one of our trained special needs champions who can answer questions you may have, gather important information, and introduce you to a one-on-one buddy if needed. They'll be sure to communicate necessary information to our children's ministry team to ensure a safe and loving environment for your child in our classrooms.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to have you join us!

Emmanuel Church is a proud supporter of Joni and Friends.

Joni and Friends Tennessee

This is a program designed specifically for babies, toddlers and pre-k kids. We teach the love of Christ in an age appropriate, fun and engaging way through play, bible stories, music, and crafts. We want to set a foundation in Christ for even our littlest kids! 

Kindergarten-5th Grade

God is the focus of our learning. We teach His word, and the path to accepting Christ as Lord and Savior. Alongside the teaching, elementary students engage in learning through a fun environment of games, crafts and friendships. We want these kids to develop a firm foundation of faith that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives.

Middle School

Middle school is tough. It can be a confusing time of changes, social pressures, and developing individuality.  We want church to be a safe place for our middle school youth.  Whether they know Christ or are new to church, we want them to feel comfortable at Emmanuel, and to be growing in their relationship with God, their understanding of His word, and Christ-centered friendships.  

High School

As high school students deal with social pressures, approaching graduation, and big life-decisions, we want them to keep Christ at the center of their lives.  Emmanuel Church is a place for teens to create friendships, ask questions, seek guidance, and grow.  We want to provide a safe space to talk about everything from pressures and decisions to relationships and future life plans. We want students to keep God as their focus and turn to him for guidance as they progress toward adulthood.

High school students are encouraged to play a full part with the adults on Sunday afternoons, serving and attending the main service. We have found that when we treat our older teenagers like the young adults they are, they respond accordingly! We therefore don't put on high school programming on Sundays, but instead during the week.

Weekly Worship Service

Sundays, 10:30 AM

3611 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN